Thank you for your continued support throughout the year that was 2020. May you and your family have a safe and wonderful Christmas, and best wishes for a very happy new year.

On Friday the 4th of December, Vital celebrated the end of the year with a day filled with fun, relaxing and yummy food.

We held a Vital Olympics (or the Jimmy Jab games for those Brooklyn 99 fans) that tested the team on trivia, agility, decorating and so much more. The person with the most points at the end of the day was set to win a $200 voucher and most importantly – ‘Champion’ status.

The games/challenges included:

Personlised Guess Who | Giant Jenga | Tallest building challenge | Ping Pong | Quoits | Paper plane throw | Office chair race | Riddle challenge | Darts | Gingerbread house decorating.

After an intense few hours, Simon was the Vital Champion and not only won the respect of his peers, but a personalised t-shirt and a $200 voucher.

When all the games were completed, everyone had to take a number for the op shop lucky dip where dreams, death and fashion is combined. Whatever you picked had to be worn to dinner, and what a fashionable dinner it was indeed.

Dinner was a delicious feast at EightySix in Braddon where we shared a laugh, a glass of wine (many) and a well deserved celebration after such an uncertain year.

Unfortunately our teams in Melbourne and New Zealand couldn’t attend due to COVID, however a do-over in July 2021 is looking good!